About Arr Engineering

Commenced in the year 2010 at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, we “Arr Engineering” are Sole Proprietorship (Individual) based firm, involved as the manufacturer of Storage Rack, Heavy Duty Pallet Rack, Storage Locker, Storage Cabinet, Hospital Medicine Trolley, Platform Trolley, Platform Trolley and more. We are a quality oriented company and our entire focus is on satisfying customers with the quality assured, reliable and best products.

We are holding a remarkable position in the industry and given priority to the customer satisfaction. In addition, by making transparency in our occupational dealings, we have earned the huge satisfaction of customers.

Our clients have move trucks they use to move their kicks the bucket and forms around and essentially move that truck to the front of the rack, altering for wanted tallness, and rolling the pass on or shape onto the truck. Rack capacities with regards to our kick the bucket stockpiling racks go from 50 – 2000 lbs for every rack.

ARR ENGINEERING produces hard amazing racks to meet your requirements and improve material taking care of. Item highlights incorporate welded basic steel carriages, movable racks, and a wellbeing interlock framework that enables just a single rack to take off at any given moment.ARR ENGINEERING racks are extremely heavy duty/built to last racks that are manufactured in Seguin, Texas. The racks are constructed with structural carbon steel and ship 100% assembled.

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